Registration ECHA - Ozonia 3000 Identity Card
IMPORTANT NEWS - DECEMBER 2022Ozonia 3000 Sunflower has become the only ozonated sunflower seed oil registered with the European Chemicals Agency E.C.H.A.This means that it is the only one to have acquired, after a series of OECD Studies in GLP, an "Identity Card" regarding its composition- chemical-physics- toxicological- eco-toxicologicalas a guarantee for users.Following the aforementioned registration Ozonia 3000 Sunflower was marked withthe EC Number 924-751-7, identification number, which [...]
Remember, look inside!! ...how much O3 is there?
Exhibition & Conference Concept to Consumer
but... of O3 how much is there?
Ozoral oral gel recognized as Medical device
Ozoral is the gel formulation of the ozonized sunflower seeds oil, which has been recognized as Medical device.The new packaging provides the nozzle that can be used togheter with the different tips, already used by Dentists and Dental Igenists.This, along with the thinner shape, will improve its maneuverability.See more at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxxGXPdDOG4&feature=youtu.be
so... HOW MUCH O3 is there?